Isaac Ruiz Guerra
Isaac is a graduate of the Technological Institute of the Isthmus in Oaxaca, México.
He began to use Java in its 1.2 version (2000) when doing his professional practices in the artificial intelligence laboratory of the Center for Research in Computing (CIC), of the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico.
He is a software consultant since 2003, is specialized in applications Integration and has participated in projects related mainly to the financial sector.
For more than 10 years he has worked with different application servers for the java world and now he is trying to adapt this knowledge to the new deployment architectures.
Isaac is a promoter of the java language and has participated in different communities such as javaHispano and javaMéxico.
As part of the staff of the javaMexico community, Isaac promotes the use of Java and Java-related technologies by writing on his blog and as a speaker at JUG events.
Isaac has published several articles about the java ecosystem on different websites, including OTN and is frequent Speaker at LAOUC/ORAMEX events.

Helidon es un framework para la construcción de microservicios, apoyado por Oracle.
Ademas de estar apegado a Microprofile (3.2) permite también la creación de código reactivo y es muy ligero. En esta charla repasaremos todas las bondades que ofrece para ser una opción interesante para el desarrollo de microservicios para la nube.