Armando Cifuentes González
Currently working as an SDET at Luxoft. Software Engineer in Test (Manual Tester) at iTexico. SDET freelancer. I worked at Unosquare using tools like NUnit for unit testing in C# and Chai.js, axios-mock-adapter, Enzyme, and Sinon.JS for React, and also I developed some UI and client functionalities using JS+React+Material UI. I did my school practices at Nectri, using .NET technologies. Tester at ITESM Monterrey. Math/Programming mentor. Science Popularizer at Sólo es Ciencia.
On the other hand, I participated in activities that helped my community, such as visiting hospitals, foundations, and nursing homes; and being a missionary in rural communities.
«I like to help other people to learn and grow their skills in the IT field :D Sometimes I find bugs where there shouldn’t be.» - ArCiGo
«The people have a lot of bugs, including me.» - ArCiGo
Computólogos, abogados, diseñadores, psicólogos, músicos, docentes, químicos, arquitectos, antropólogos, matemáticos, civiles, industriales, ... ¡Todo mundo puede trabajar en el maravilloso mundo de IT! (emoji) Como devs, managers, testers, UI/UX designers, etcetera (emoji)
¿Quieren saber cómo? Nos vemos el próximo 5 de diciembre de 2020, vía Zoom, en la ya tradicional PosaDev, donde compartiremos algunos tips que les podrán ayudar a lograr esto (emoji)
Y no lo olviden: Coman frutas y verduras, tomen mucha agua, hagan ejercicio y mantengan la sana distancia (emoji) <=> (emoji)