Armando Cifuentes González

Currently working as an SDET at Luxoft. Software Engineer in Test (Manual Tester) at iTexico. SDET freelancer. I worked at Unosquare using tools like NUnit for unit testing in C# and Chai.js, axios-mock-adapter, Enzyme, and Sinon.JS for React, and also I developed some UI and client functionalities using JS+React+Material UI. I did my school practices at Nectri, using .NET technologies. Tester at ITESM Monterrey. Math/Programming mentor. Science Popularizer at Sólo es Ciencia.

On the other hand, I participated in activities that helped my community, such as visiting hospitals, foundations, and nursing homes; and being a missionary in rural communities.

«I like to help other people to learn and grow their skills in the IT field :D Sometimes I find bugs where there shouldn’t be.» - ArCiGo

«The people have a lot of bugs, including me.» - ArCiGo

Foto de perfíl del o de la ponente


Dabbling in the marvelous world of IT!
Armando Cifuentes González

Computólogos, abogados, diseñadores, psicólogos, músicos, docentes, químicos, arquitectos, antropólogos, matemáticos, civiles, industriales, ... ¡Todo mundo puede trabajar en el maravilloso mundo de IT! (emoji) Como devs, managers, testers, UI/UX designers, etcetera (emoji)

¿Quieren saber cómo? Nos vemos el próximo 5 de diciembre de 2020, vía Zoom, en la ya tradicional PosaDev, donde compartiremos algunos tips que les podrán ayudar a lograr esto (emoji)

Y no lo olviden: Coman frutas y verduras, tomen mucha agua, hagan ejercicio y mantengan la sana distancia (emoji) <=> (emoji)

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